I’m a very private person, but I feel the need to share this in hopes that it will help someone who is going through.
Book Spotlight: Learning to Live Again by Robbie Steele Martin
Author Robbie Steele Martin has known grief, but she has also found joy. The process has led to her book, Learning to Live Again: A Widow’s Journey to Joy.
Four Ways to Make Peace with Your Past
I’ve been hurt. More than once. I’ve sometimes held on to those hurts longer than I can to admit. One thing, I’ve learned is that, in order to move forward in life, I had to let go of past hurts. Here are a few ways that have worked for me.
Chandra Sparks Splond Shares 10 Scriptures About Love
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, so I thought I would share a few scriptures about love.
Are You Ready for Your Blessing?
Have you ever found yourself earnestly praying for something from God, yet you’re unsure how to handle it when the blessing arrives because it doesn’t come in the way or the package that you were expecting?
Remembering the Life and Legacy of a King
Years ago, I went to Memphis, Tennessee, for a work conference. While I learned a lot during the three days I was away, the most memorable part for me was visiting the National Civil Rights Museum, which is on the grounds of the Lorraine Motel where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April […]
Scriptures to Prepare Your Heart for the New Year
And just like that, the new year has begun. Here are a few scriptures to take you through the new year and beyond.
A Love Letter to My Daughter for Her 19th Birthday
My Favorite Girl: No matter how much I sometimes want it to, it seems time just won’t slow down.
Join Chandra Sparks Splond in Saying a Prayer for Friends
I’ve been thinking lately about how important it is to be surrounded by good, solid female friendships. I’ve learned also the importance of having friends who will pray with and for you. Sometimes your friends might be going through things they might not ever share with you, so it’s so important to keep them […]
Chandra Sparks Splond Shares Six Scriptures for Rough Seasons
Some days, I seem to be chasing hope.