My Sweet Girl: It’s funny that on the day before I’m celebrating your birth that my thoughts would turn to my death.
Guest Blog Post: Reality Star and Author Brandon Hatmaker
I’m pleased today to welcome author and reality star Brandon Hatmaker to the blog. I first learned about Brandon when my daughter and I got hooked on his reality show My Big Family Renovation, which chronicled the lives of Brandon and his wife, Jen, and their five kids as they tackled a major home renovation. […]
Author and Executive Producer Iris Bolling Invests in Her Dream
Author and executive producer Iris Bolling has no problems investing in herself and her dreams. I recently spoke with her about her latest book and her television series.
Fall Activities Abound In and Around the Magic City
It’s fall again, which means plenty of activities around the Magic City. Whether you’re looking for a festival or you want to get in one more run before the weather turns cold, there’s something for everyone.
Join Chandra Sparks Splond in Saying a Prayer for Love
Please join me in saying a prayer for love.
April McClung Finds Sweet Success with Emily’s Heirloom Pound Cakes
April R. McClung, owner of Emily’s Heirloom Pound Cakes, found her Big Mama’s recipe to be the sweet secret to success.
I’m Celebrating My One-Year Blogiversary with a Special Announcement
Yesterday marked the one-year anniversary of Magic City Momma. Happy blogiversary to me. What a difference a year makes.
NY Times Bestselling Author Francine Rivers Discusses Earth Psalms
New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers has published numerous novels—all bestsellers—and she has continued to win both industry acclaim and reader loyalty around the globe. Her Christian novels have been awarded or nominated for numerous honors and in 1997, after winning her third RITA Award for Inspirational Fiction, Francine was inducted into the Romance […]
Author L.A. Lewis Doubles Down and Gets Dirty with New Novel
Get ready to get down and dirty with author L.A. Lewis. I recently spoke to her about her latest release.
Magic City Momma Shares 10 Scriptures to Help You Conquer Fear
Fear can crop up when we least expect it. Here are a few scripture to help you overcome it.