Today please join me in prayer as I go to God asking for help for those times when you don’t feel good enough.
5 Lessons I Want My Daughter to Learn from Being Raised in Birmingham
Maybe my daughter starting middle school in the fall has me a bit nostalgic, but recently I started thinking about how much of a blessing the city I once despised has been to me since I returned in 2006.
Making the Transition to Middle School
I’ve been in denial for the last year.
A Date with Destini: You’ve Gotta Have Faith
Just in time for national foster care month, Magic City Momma publisher Chandra Sparks Splond has released You’ve Gotta Have Faith, the second book in her Date with Destini series, which looks at foster care from a child’s perspective. The series, which is geared toward readers ages nine to 12, follows 10-year-old Destini Daniels who […]
Smart Art Festival This Weekend in the Magic City
On Saturday, May 14, 2016, the UAB Mini Park will be overflowing with arts enthusiasts, intrigued parents…and of course, Birmingham’s youth. The City of Birmingham Mayor’s Office Division of Youth Services (DYS) will host its third annual Smart Art youth arts festival, designed to expose Birmingham youth to the many cultural arts opportunities available in […]
Scriptures to Help You Win Over Worry
My granddaddy, the late Rev. George W. Jones, Sr., used to tell members of our family all the time that he didn’t worry about anything. Between bills needing to be paid and just life, there always seems to be something that has me up later at night than I should be, worrying. I think my […]
Tips to Keep Your Kids Reading this Summer
As a kid, I lived for summers. For me, it meant, all books all the time. Lucky for me, I passed my love of reading on to my daughter. One of my favorite rituals is going to the library with her and signing up for the summer reading program.
To the Village that Raised Me: Thank You
I didn’t realize the truth of the saying that it takes a village to raise a child until I moved back to Birmingham in 2006.
Books by and for Mommas
While you’re (hopefully) relaxing this Mother’s Day weekend, check out these great books by and for mommas. Please note this post contains affiliate links.
Mother’s Day Activities in the Magic City
Looking to spend some quality time with your momma this Mother’s Day weekend? Check out these events.