Whether you’re going through it personally or it’s someone you love, we can all agree cancer sucks.
What’s Your Excuse?
A few weeks ago, it was laid on my heart to reach out to a woman to interview her for my weekly book column for Hope for Women magazine. As it turned out, we had a lot of things in common—besides being authors, we both attended the University of Alabama (Roll Tide!), and we’ve done […]
Get Your (Prayer) Life!
War Room books will help the entire family
What’s Holding You Back?
I’ve known since I was 14 years old that I’ve wanted to write books, but I didn’t sit down to actually write one until after I had my daughter in 2004–almost 20 years later. I don’t think it was a conscious decision not to write books–I’ve spent my entire career in publishing–I just think the […]
9 Scriptures to Keep You Encouraged While Pursuing Your Dreams
There are those days when I wonder if I’m pursuing God’s plan for my life. During those times, it helps to turn to the Word to find encouragement. Here are a few of my favorite scriptures to get me back on track. I hope they will bless you as much as they bless me.
Come Party with Martie |Celebrity chef talks tailgating
Photo Credit: Arden Photography (via Hope for Women magazine) Football and food go hand in hand, but what’s a woman to do if she doesn’t have the time or know-how to pull together a terrific tailgate? Call in an expert, of course.
Hidden Blessings
Saved by Grace
(via Hope for Women magazine) Ashley Smith Robinson is living proof that a person’s life can change overnight.
Cancer Chronicles
(via Hope for Women magazine) Whether you’re going through it personally or it’s someone you love, we can all agree cancer sucks.
Let’s Hear It for the Girls
(via Hope for Women magazine)