Whether it’s someone hurting you or you feeling as though something you’ve done is not worthy of forgiveness, there are some days where the act of forgiveness just weighs on you. During those times, where are a few scriptures to help you.
A Prayer for Discernment
Sometimes it can be hard to figure out who’s for you and who’s against you and to figure out the true intentions of your own heart. Please join me in praying for discernment.
Five Things to Say to a Hurting Friend
It’s so hard when you see someone you love going through something. If you’re anything like me, you feel helpless. Maybe you want to help, but you just don’t know how. Here are a few ways to help a hurting friend.
The Secret to Being an Extraordinary Wife
In my heart I want to be a good wife. Scratch that. I want to be an extraordinary wife. The reality is that most days I feel as though I’m failing.
Book Excerpt: Married for 5 Minutes
Magic City Momma is excited to share an excerpt from the newly released book, Married for Five Minutes: Hope for Living Inside Real-Life Marriages, by Shundria Riddick and Michelle Stimpson with a foreword by Chrystal Evans Hurst.
The Seven Secrets of Being a Real Friend
The older I get, the more I realize that being a real friend is hard work.
A Prayer for Daddies
With Father’s Day right around the corner, please join me in praying for daddies and daddy figures.
Are You Chasing Friendship?
I was catching up with my girl Toni Staton Harris the other day, and the subject of friendships came up, more specifically chasing friendship.
10 Things to Say to Your Husband
I need to be more intentional about showing my husband he is loved and appreciated.
A Prayer for When You Want God to Bless You
Today, please join me in praying for those times when we want God to bless us.