It’s a week of celebrations at Magic City Momma. Not only are we excited about Christmas, the most Splonderful time of the year, but we’re also celebrating the birthdays of three of my favorite women.

On December 19, my grandma, Lela Mae Jones, and my great-aunt, Rosie Mae O’Bryant, celebrated their 93rd birthday. As far as I know, they are the oldest living twins in Birmingham. These women are true examples of loving, God-fearing women. I thank God for the blessing they have been to my life.

Today we celebrate the birth of my niece Brittany Sparks Davis. Brittany is the first little girl to have my heart. It’s still amazing to me that she is grown and married with a career as a registered nurse now. I am so proud of the woman of God she has become. Check out her blog.
Please join me in wishing them all the happiest of birthdays.
What are you celebrating this week?