Today, please join me in praying for those times when we want God to bless us.
I thank you for being so good to me. I thank you for opening doors that no man can open, and I thank you for closing doors that no man can closed. I thank you for knowing what’s best for me in all situations.
Today, Lord, I come before you as humbly as I know how asking that you would bless me with __________. I believe you put this dream and desire in my heart, Lord. If this is not what you have for me, please bless me to die unto this dream and resurrect in me a desire and a joy for what you have for me. Help me to the see the person or thing with which you want to bless me through your eyes and to accept it for the blessing that it is.
I know, Lord, that sometimes he blessing I desire might actually be what you desire for me, but for whatever reason now is not the right time for it to come to pass. During this season while I am waiting, I ask that you would help me to be patient and help me to be obedient to you, your will and your way as you prepare me for the blessing you have in store.
Lord, I know whatever you give me is because you love me and you want what’s best for me. When the time comes, help me to appreciate what you have given me and help me to not be embarrassed, annoyed or ashamed if it does not come in the form or package in which I had hoped. Help me instead to remember to give you all the praise and the honor and the glory for the blessings you have bestowed on me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.