My uncle often says something about this time of the year gives people a case of the “can’t help its”—we just want to bless people. It doesn’t always have to be about money either. Here are a few ways you can be a blessing during Christmas and beyond.

Blessing Cups
I’ve seen the blessing bags filled with personal hygiene items all over the internet. I took it a step farther and made blessing cups. These are relatively simple and inexpensive to make. Everything in mine—tissue, hand sanitizer, a Wisp toothbrush, notepad, pen, prepackaged crackers and candy—including the cup is stuff I bought in bulk from the Dollar Tree. I often use my Silhouette Cameo to pretty up the cup, but this is not a requirement. I like the idea of giving a cup because people can use it long after the things inside are gone. I’ve been known to keep these in my car and just leave them in random places whenever the mood strikes for someone to find. The thought of the cup brightening someone’s day is guaranteed to make me smile. My daughter even makes a kid version with candy and a small toy to give away.
Expand Your Family
Many of us take for granted being around family and friends for the holidays. Unfortunately, this is a sad and lonely time of the year for some people. Consider inviting someone without a family to spend the holidays with you. Whether it’s sharing a meal or including them in an activity, the invitation is sure to be appreciated. The great thing is you can continue to extend invitations throughout the year.
Lose Some Money
Have you ever been walking along minding your own business and found money lying on the ground? I’ve found everything from pennies to quarters, and it always gets me a little excited. Imagine how you would bless someone by intentionally dropping money for someone else to find. It doesn’t have to be a lot of money—even a dollar will brighten someone’s day.
Snail Mail
Right after Thanksgiving when I was a kid, Christmas cards would start pouring in. It’s one of my favorite childhood memories, seeing who sent us a card. As much as I love texts, emails and Facebook posts wishing me a Merry Christmas, there is just something about receiving a card in the mail addressed to me. It lets me know the person who sent it is thinking of me during the holidays. Sure, Facebook has made it easier for your friends to see how much your friends’ kids have grown throughout the year, but seeing a card in the mail from you amid bills is guaranteed to put a smile on her face.
Pay It Forward
Next time you’re at a fast food drive-through or at Starbucks, consider paying for the car behind you. Imagine the person’s surprise when they pull up prepared to pay and find out their meal has already been taken care of.
What ways have you found to bless others during the holidays?