Lord willing, I’ll turn 54 on Friday. As I prepare for my birthday, I thought what better way to celebrate than with prayer. Please join me in saying a birthday prayer.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this day. Thank you for your many blessings. Thank you for another year of life; for the blessings you’ve bestowed upon me over the last year; for the doors you’ve opened; for the doors you’ve closed; for being faithful to me even when I wasn’t faithful to you or to myself.
Lord, I’m asking that you be with me as I go into this next year. Order my steps, help me in this coming year to be the person you would have me to be, to do the things you would have me to do and to say the things you would have me to say. As I go into this next year, please keep my gaze firmly on you. Show me the plans you have for me. Make them so clear to me I can see your reflection. May they be plans to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me a future and a hope. Bless me this year to not let failure freeze me but to instead let it fuel me to live my dreams out loud and without fear.
Help me to evolve so much this year that when people look at me, they see a reflection of you. Without opening my mouth, may my actions show that I am your child. Help me to have a heart for you and a heart for people. May I love deeper than I’ve ever loved before. May I laugh more than I’ve ever laughed before. May I find joy in unexpected ways and places. May I dream dreams so crazy and big that they could only come from you. It’s in Jesus’ name that I pray. Amen.